array element
constant value element
container element
continuation element
control element
data element

A type of element that contains a portion of the primary data in the e-NON stream

Data elements hold the primary information carried in the e-NON stream.

element subtype

A subtype is an element type that is specified by a prefix and a sub-prefix

Some element types are divided into related subtypes. A subtype introduces a level of hierarchy to the data elements. Only one layer of subtype is supported.

The use of subtypes expands the range of available prefixes at the cost of occasionally requiring 2 prefix bytes for an element.

When an element type declares subtypes, then that element type must always appear with a subtype.

The array element is an example of an element-type that uses subtypes. The array type is introduced by the array prefix ‘(‘ follwed by the sub-prefix that identifies the type of the array, such as double or int.

The metadata element is another example of subtypes.

element type

Each element has a distinct type, which determines how the element content is interpreted.

Element types fall into categories of similar behavior:

  • Data Elements
    • Scalar Elements
      A scalar element is one that contains no other elements.
      • Constant Values
        Constant-value elements require only the prefix to determine the value. These 6 elements are:
        null, false, true, positive infinity, negative infinity, NaN
      • Nano-int
        The nano-int is a special case that lies somewhere between Constant Value and Fixed-size. The nano-int needs only the prefix, but there are 128 prefix values dedicated to the nano-int which determine its value. The value, therefore, is not constant.
      • Fixed-size
        The fixed-size elements are those which always require the same number of bytes to hold the value:
        byte, short, int, long, float, double, char(8-bit), time(long)
      • Variable-size
        A variable-size element might take any length, and requires a size to be specified in the stream:
        char(utf8), string, number, byte[](BLOB), array, time(string)
    • Container Elements
      Container elements contain other elements within. The two types of container are list and map.
  • Metadata Elements
    These elements do not contain data themselves, but provide information that may assist or alter the interpretation of data elements.
  • Control Elements
    These elements influence the behavior and/or state of the e-NON processor.

It’s not customary in computer science to consider arrays as scalar. However, according to our definition they are scalar in e-NON. The array types contain raw data values, not elements. Therefore, e-NON arrays don’t require element parsing to interpret their contents. As such, they behave as scalar, not containers.


A unit of data beginning with a prefix byte followed by zero or more bytes of information

An element is the basic unit of information in the e-NON stream. The key distinguishing feature of the element is the prefix. All elements require a prefix.

The element type is identified by the prefix. The information following the prefix is interpreted according to the element type.

An element must always appear in its entirety. It is illegal for the e-NON stream to end anywhere other than an element boundary.

fixed size element
metadata element
nano-int element

A single-byte value that introduces an element.

A prefix is the first byte of every element in the e-NON stream.

Except for the nano-int element, the prefix maps 1-to-1 with an element type.

The byte values of prefixes are grouped into ranges:

range prefix type description
0x00 not a prefix The special prefix 0 is reserved for element types that do not have a prefix. An element without a prefix can’t apepar in the e-NON stream. Therefore a prefix of 0 is only used for data structures internal to the e-NON processor.
0x01..0x19 control prefix Control prefixes introduce non-data elements such as metadata.
0x20..0x7F data element prefix This range is used to prefix the data elements. These are (mostly) the printable ASCII characters.
0x80..0xFF nano-int value This range represents the 128 nano-int values.
scalar element

A single-byte value that follows certain prefixes to indicate an element subtype.

A sub-prefix is the second byte of certain elements in the e-NON stream. When an element type is defined to have subtypes, then the prefix must be followed by a sub-prefix. The sub-prefix determines the element subtype.

Unlike the prefix, the sub-prefix values are not divided into ranges. However, the sub-prefix value 0x00 is reserved to represent not a sub-prefix.

variable size element