

The temporal binding encompasses time-based data including, dates, times of day, durations, time periods, etc. The reference implementation has direct support for the following temporal types defined in the Java language:

The following table summarizes how these types are written and read on the e-NON stream:

temporal type temporal fields written fields required to read
Date i i, YMD(hms)
GregorianCalendar iz i(z), YMD(hmsz)
Instant i(n) i(n), YMD(hmsn)
LocalDate YMD i, YMD
LocalDateTime YMD(hmsn) i(n), YMD(hmsn)
LocalTime h(msn) i(n), h(msn)
MonthDay MD i, MD
OffsetDateTime i(n)o i(no), YMD(hmsno)
OffsetTime h(msn)o i(no), h(msno)
Year Y i, Y
YearMonth YM i, YM
ZonedDateTime i(n)z i(nz), YMD(hmsnz)

† Items in parens () are written if present and non-zero.
‡ Items in parens () are defaulted if not present. See defaults table below.

Default temporal field values:

field default
i, Y, M, D can’t be defaulted
h, m, s, n 0*
o, z Local Zone ID provided in the eNON config

* Items can be defaulted only when a higher magnitude field is provided; see below.

The time of day fields can be defaulted but only when a higher magnitude field appears. This means that it’s not possible to specify a “midnight” time, 00:00:00.000 by specifying no fields. The minimum representation for midnight would be ‘h0’. The hour is specified as 0, allowing the smaller fields to default.

When date-related fields are present, YMD, then all of the time fields hmsn will default to zero if not provided.